The last few months have been challenging times and our thoughts are with all that have been impacted by Covid-19 across our network of global partners and customers. As the virus continues to be a concern, would like to update you on the steps we have taken to ensure business continuity and safety for all our employees, suppliers and customers.

Our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our employees, community and partners.

From the start of the pandemic we implemented policies and processes to ensure we undertook best practice in preventing the spread of the virus. In the challenging and ever-changing environment that followed, we have established strict safety protocols to ensure social distancing and adherence to government legislation, which we continue to review and refresh as the situation changes.

We are open for business

Our employees are working from home where they can, to minimise contact in our working environments. However, we are a manufacturing company, so products still need to be made and shipped, and many of our engineers and operatives are working on site to ensure products are despatched to customers on time. All our support staff speak with each other and our customers virtually, and many of our processes have been digitised, so we can continue to provide support to our global customer base.

All our customers have full access to their Account Managers and Customer Services and we expect to be able to respond quickly to your enquiries. You can email us on or call/email your local office: We are happy to conduct meetings over Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype or other online collaboration tools.

BNL are in a favourable position to sustain supply, given our commitment to inventory and our diversified manufacturing footprint, with separate key manufacturing hubs in Europe and in Asia, fully capable of taking on the production of any of our products. We are constantly monitoring our supply chain to maintain clarity on the flow of goods and mitigate any impact on our ability to supply. Please contact your Account Manager or Customer Services should you have any queries on order delivery.

This year is BNL’s 50th year. We have worked with our customers and suppliers through periods of disruption and change over half a century and we will continue to keep all our businesses moving forward through these times too. As and when there are changes to the situation, which have the potential to impact our customer base, we will, of course, communicate with all our customers and work together to keep supply uninterrupted.

Keeping our employees and workplace safe

Fundamental Principles

Our collective strategy to prevent the introduction of Covid-19 to BNL and its potential spread with BNL is based around these core principles:

  • Assessment of health before attending work – understanding and declaration of symptoms or any contact with potential infection
  • Establishing a risk assessment to ensure we are working in line with government guidelines to keep our business a safe operating environment
  • Frequently washing or sanitising hands on entry and exit of the building and regularly throughout the day
  • Making PPE available to all employees on site for use as required, including masks for use in any welfare areas
  • Maintaining a minimum 2m distance between employees throughout the workplace with a one-way system throughout the building to enable social distancing
  • Protecting each other by cleaning equipment and workstations we use at work before and after use, plus thorough cleaning of the building every day, especially focussed on the prevention of infection
  • Ensuring every employee understands what is expected of them and that personal behaviour is key in protecting everyone from infection



Are your offices and manufacturing sites operating as usual?

We have continued to operate throughout the outbreak with no break in production, although there were reduced numbers on site for a while and some sales-only offices closed, the teams worked remotely. We are gradually welcoming employees back on site and returning to more normal working practices, though where necessary for social distancing, employees are still working from home where they can.

Are you undertaking customer visits?

We love nothing more than being able to see our customers and discuss their needs. Unfortunately, right now that is not possible. All overseas travel and domestic travel to customers is suspended for now. We are also only able to welcome essential visitors on site, so we can ensure the safety of our workforce.

Where is my local office? How do I contact them?

You can find a list of our locations and contact details here:

I have an enquiry. Who can I contact?

If you an existing customer you can contact your Account Manager if you have one, or our Customer Services team. There are many ways of contacting us.

Who is my Account Manager?

If you an existing customer, and depending on the size of your account with us, you may have a dedicated Account Manager. If you are unsure who this is, please contact us via the General web-enquiries email or your local sales office and we will put you in contact with them.

How do I contact Customer Services?

You can use the General web-enquiries email or any of the sales contact details listed above or on our Locations page.

Will my orders be affected?

We do not anticipate any overall delays in producing or shipping orders to our customers. If there is a specific issue that may affect a customer’s order, we will contact you directly. If you have any concerns about lead times or order deliveries, please contact your Account Manager or Customer Services on the emails and telephone numbers above.